| Sesión iniciada el: Martes, 10 de Octubre de 2006 |
| Participantes: |
| ... olvidado lo k era reir a tu lado :$ (gisela_ba@hotmail.com) |
| ...resion-place.blogspot.com/) :P (vivirsonriendo@hotmail.com) |
[10:05:49 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :D holas
[10:05:53 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : como stuvo el party??
[10:06:03 a.m.] :P ((( : - : hola mi bb
[10:06:08 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :S cansadisimaaaa
[10:06:11 a.m.] :P ((( : - : pero ell
[10:06:16 a.m.] :P ((( : - : divertidisimooo
[10:06:35 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Dq padreee
[10:06:55 a.m.] :P ((( : - : y tu
[10:06:59 a.m.] :P ((( : - : comoe stas mi niño:D
[10:07:27 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Dbien
[10:07:32 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : aqui... estudiando
[10:07:34 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:07:41 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ajaaaaaaaaaa
[10:07:44 a.m.] :P ((( : - : jajaja
[10:07:50 a.m.] :P ((( : - : como te va con tus amores
[10:08:37 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pcuaaales amores??
[10:08:40 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : *-)
[10:10:09 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :D
[10:10:11 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :P
[10:10:20 a.m.] :P ((( : - : asi digooo yoooooo
[10:10:30 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:10:37 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaj
[10:12:08 a.m.] :P ((( : - : y tu novia
[10:12:09 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ?
[10:12:14 a.m.] :P ((( : - : como esta
[10:12:52 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : 8-)cual?
[10:13:40 a.m.] :P ((( : - : jajajade todassss
[10:13:41 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :P
[10:14:01 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : na na na
[10:14:03 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : no tengo ni una...
[10:14:05 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : aun!
[10:14:09 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:14:41 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :$
[10:14:45 a.m.] :P ((( : - : aki toy libree
[10:14:46 a.m.] :P ((( : - : jajaj
[10:15:49 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :(y muy lejos
[10:15:56 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :S
[10:16:56 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :S
[10:16:58 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :$
[10:16:59 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ya se
[10:17:16 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :'(
[10:17:21 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : stas trabajando??
[10:18:30 a.m.] :P ((( : - : un pokito precioso
[10:18:32 a.m.] :P ((( : - : pero te leo
[10:18:42 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pno decia por eso...
[10:18:42 a.m.] :P ((( : - : no has sabido nada d? maguy
[10:18:43 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ?
[10:18:45 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : si
[10:18:48 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ayer hable con ella
[10:18:52 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :S
[10:19:36 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :D
[10:19:43 a.m.] :P ((( : - : y k te dijo
[10:19:43 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ?
[10:19:47 a.m.] :P ((( : - : pork no te ha buscado
[10:19:56 a.m.] :P ((( : - : con razon tan feliz :(
[10:21:07 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : yo feliz??
[10:21:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : no no no
[10:21:13 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : estuvo fatal!!
[10:21:20 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : para empezar... entro con otro correo
[10:21:40 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : y su nick era "MENTIROSA" :S
[10:21:58 a.m.] :P ((( : - : upsssss
[10:21:59 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :S
[10:22:02 a.m.] :P ((( : - : y k te dijo precioso
[10:22:03 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ?
[10:23:27 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :S
[10:24:36 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : pero... prefiero ya no hablar de
ella... va??
[10:24:43 a.m.] Has recibido satisfactoriamente C:\Documents and
Settings\Propietario\Mis documentos\My Received
Files\maggie.rtf de vivirsonriendo@hotmail.com.
[10:25:00 a.m.] :P ((( : - : n:S
[10:25:01 a.m.] :P ((( : - : va
[10:25:11 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ;)
[10:25:13 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : heeeeey
[10:25:16 a.m.] :P ((( : - : mande
[10:25:16 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :D
[10:25:18 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : mandame esa foto...
[10:25:19 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : si??
[10:26:17 a.m.] :P ((( : - : cual mi niño?
[10:26:47 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pla q sea
[10:26:50 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : del party
[10:26:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : va??
[10:26:55 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : no tienes una de ustedes 2??
[10:27:25 a.m.] :P ((( : - : sip
[10:27:30 a.m.] :P ((( : - : pero todavia no las imprimooo:S
[10:28:24 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : *-)imprimir??
[10:28:24 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : aaaahhhp
[10:28:25 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ok
[10:28:29 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : no son digitales??
[10:29:56 a.m.] :P ((( : - : sip
[10:30:01 a.m.] :P ((( : - : pero es k no tengo el usb
[10:30:05 a.m.] :P ((( : - : de la camara :S
[10:30:15 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pok
[10:30:22 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : me awanto cues
[10:32:01 a.m.] :P ((( : - : Ç:$
[10:32:25 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:34:05 a.m.] Se completó la transferencia de "IMG_0207.JPG".
[10:35:20 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:35:24 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : se pasaron con la mordida ehp!!
[10:35:44 a.m.] :P ((( : - : jajaja
[10:35:45 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ya se
[10:35:48 a.m.] :P ((( : - : pero dejate de eso
[10:35:54 a.m.] :P ((( : - : k el solo se avento en el pastel
[10:35:55 a.m.] :P ((( : - : jajaja
[10:36:05 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :-O
[10:36:06 a.m.] :P ((( : - : nadamas le dijeron una mordida
[10:36:07 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : na na na
[10:36:13 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajajajaja
[10:36:14 a.m.] :P ((( : - : y ya tenia la cara en el pasteljajaja
[10:36:19 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : y se avento solo???
[10:36:20 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajajaja
[10:37:35 a.m.] :P ((( : - : siii
[10:38:00 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:45:22 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : si te conte q me amenazaron??
[10:45:24 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:45:32 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ¿?
[10:45:34 a.m.] :P ((( : - : kien ?
[10:45:38 a.m.] :P ((( : - : ella
[10:45:43 a.m.] :P ((( : - : taba leyendo la conversacion :S
[10:45:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : noooo
[10:45:53 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : de muerte
[10:45:54 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:46:12 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : Enviado el: Friday, October 06, 2006
3:06:55 PM
Para: vivirsonriendo@hotmail.com
Asunto: TODO SE PAGA .
[10:46:31 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :S
[10:47:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : y asi termina el correo:
[10:47:33 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : CUIDATE LAS ESPALDAS .
[10:47:37 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:48:09 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :S
[10:48:15 a.m.] :P ((( : - : y no tenia kien t lo envio
[10:48:15 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :S
[10:48:42 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : no lo puse
[10:48:42 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:48:46 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : pa q lo quieres saber
[10:48:47 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jaja
[10:48:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : una persona de ensenada
[10:48:59 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : pero le conteste ese mismo dia
[10:49:04 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : esta es parte de mi carta mira
[10:49:19 a.m.] :P ((( : - : haber?
[10:49:45 a.m.] ?hell yeah! :
Asi que si tienes gente... date una vuelta por aca...
y sera un placer recibirlos como se merecen... porque
no tengo necesidad de cuidarme la espalda cuando tengo
muchos que lo hacen por mi... Si fue amenaza...
lamento decirte que las cosas daran un giro... ¡nunca
me como una amenaza de nadie!

De verdad lamento esto... no hubiera querido que
terminara asi... pero parece qe no hay opcion
[10:49:57 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:50:00 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : y al final...
[10:50:09 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : Tu dices cuando.

[10:50:14 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : 8-)
[10:50:16 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:51:00 a.m.] :P ((( : - : jajaja
[10:51:04 a.m.] :P ((( : - : a k mi ninio
[10:51:07 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :$
[10:51:11 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:51:14 a.m.] :P ((( : - : desearia tenerte mas cerca de mi
[10:51:15 a.m.] :P ((( : - : :$
[10:51:25 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:51:27 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : y eso pa q??
[10:51:28 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:52:43 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :-O
[10:52:54 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: no entiendes k me enamore de tu ser
[10:52:58 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: de tu forma de ser :(
[10:53:02 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pa q no
[10:53:05 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : solo me welas con eso...
[10:53:14 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : porque como stas lejos sabes q no puedo
[10:53:15 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jajaja
[10:53:19 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[10:53:20 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: es en serio
[10:53:22 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :S
[10:54:28 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pok
[10:54:59 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[10:55:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:55:48 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:56:55 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : 8-)
[10:56:56 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: sueño contigo
[10:57:07 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: en mis noches de soledad te necesito
[10:57:15 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: en mis alegrias te añoro
[10:57:21 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[10:57:30 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: en los dias de lluvia te lloro :$
[10:57:32 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : esa cual es??
[10:57:38 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: y aun si conocerte
[10:57:44 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: te xtraño :$
[10:57:48 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: ningunaaaa
[10:58:25 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : de donde la sacaste??:|
[10:58:35 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: de ningun ladoooo :@
[10:58:40 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: tu me haces sentir esoo :S
[10:58:44 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: olvidalo
[10:58:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : gracias:$
[10:58:51 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: soy una ilusa
[10:58:54 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : es q esta muy bonito eso
[10:58:55 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: una tonta
[10:59:02 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : pense que era de alguin y lo queria
[10:59:04 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : heeey
[10:59:06 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: perdon no dire mas nada ya
[10:59:13 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Sperdon
[10:59:17 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: no
[10:59:21 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: perdoname tu a mi
[10:59:23 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : no fue mi intencion ofenderte
[10:59:34 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: no no lo hiciste
[10:59:42 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: solo me hubico en la relidad
[10:59:54 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : BEBE
[10:59:55 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO SEAS ASI
[10:59:58 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : PERDON
[10:59:59 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: para no vivir en mis fantasias
[11:00:06 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: en serio no te preocupes
[11:01:03 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :(
[[11:02:33 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: en serio
[11:02:37 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: no te preocupes
[11:02:38 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P
[11:02:46 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: mi corazon no puede ser mas lastimado
[11:03:26 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :'(
[11:05:11 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[11:05:12 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P
[11:08:25 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: RUBEN :S
[11:08:26 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: ESTAS
[11:08:33 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : SI BEBE
[11:08:36 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : SACADO DE ONDA...
[11:08:40 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO QUISE LASTIMARTE
[11:08:41 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : DE VDD
[11:08:57 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: IGNORA LO K TE DIJE
[11:09:02 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: SOLO SON COSAS K PASAN
[11:09:02 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: OK
[11:09:21 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO BEBE
[11:09:21 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO PUEDO
[11:09:24 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO PUEDO
[11:09:31 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ERES MI AMIGUITA Y TE QUIERO UN
[11:10:06 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: YO TMB TE KIERO Y MUCHO
[11:10:11 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: Y ME DUELE K TE HAGAN SUFRIR
[11:10:15 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: Y K TE LASTIMEN
[11:10:39 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : LA VIDA A VECES TE LANZA COSAS... PERO
[11:10:44 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ;)
[11:11:05 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: LO K NO TE MATA TE HACE MAS FUERTE :D
[11:11:09 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: Y TU LO ERES Y MUCHO
[11:11:15 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: SE K SALDRAS D ESTA
[11:12:27 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :PGRACIAS PERO...
[11:12:33 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ME CAMBIASTE EL TEMA EHP
[11:12:33 a.m.] * ×,.·´¨'°÷·..§©@©HØ®®±t@§.·´¨'°÷·..× Es mi secreto
amarte :$ ... aunk el susurro del viento me delate ...
:( ha cambiado su mensaje personal a hAsTa LaS
esTTeLLaS sAbEn tU nOMbRe ... pOr k sIeMpRe lEs
pLatIcO De tI :d
[11:12:36 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : JAJAJA
[11:12:48 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[11:12:50 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: A K NO
[11:13:07 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[11:13:51 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[11:13:52 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P
[11:13:55 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: cual temaaaa jajaja
[11:13:57 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: haber haber
[11:13:58 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P
[11:13:59 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :D
[11:14:05 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :PNO SE
[11:14:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO ME ACUERDOHP
[11:14:16 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: jajaja ni yo :P
[11:14:17 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: jajaja
[11:14:42 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :POK
[11:15:10 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: ENTONCES TU MAGUY?
[11:15:11 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: K ONDA
[11:15:15 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: Y ALE COMO ESTA-?
[11:15:33 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :|NO SE
[11:15:44 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: NO HAS HABLADO CON ELLA?
[11:16:06 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : SI
[11:16:11 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ESTA BIEN
[11:16:45 a.m.] * ×,.·´¨'°÷·..§©@©HØ®®±t@§.·´¨'°÷·..× Es mi secreto
amarte :$ ... aunk el susurro del viento me delate ...
:( ha cambiado su nombre a
×,.·´¨'°÷·..§©@©HØ®®±t@§.·´¨'°÷·..× En silencio te
digo TE AMO:$ ...aunk el susurro del viento me delate
... :(
[11:16:50 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: aah ok :D
[11:16:55 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: y tu family
[11:16:58 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: tus papis?
[11:17:14 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :PSTAN BIEN
[11:17:15 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : EN SAN DIEGO
[11:17:19 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : LES VA BIEN
[11:17:20 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : JAJA
[11:17:56 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :D k bueno
[11:18:45 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: y k hares de tu vida
[11:18:52 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: es cierto k te marcharas de donde ests¿
[11:19:07 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :SNO LO SE
[11:19:09 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : A LA MEJOR SI
[11:21:18 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: pork
[11:21:29 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO SE
[11:21:32 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :S
[11:21:37 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: no es mejor manera
[11:21:39 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: el huir
[11:22:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : NO ESTOY HUYENDO...
[11:22:15 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : SOLO CAMBIANDO DE ENTORNO:P
[11:23:06 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: jajaja eso es bueno
[11:23:12 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: cuanto te falta de la uni
[11:23:38 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :PUN SHINHGO
[11:23:47 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : PERO... LA VDD YA NI SE Q HACER
[11:24:10 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: pues primero k nada
[11:24:18 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: aguanta corazon no seas cobarde(8)
[11:24:23 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P
[11:24:33 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : JAJAJAJAJA
[11:25:16 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P esa si es cancion :$
[11:25:18 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: jajaja
[11:25:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : YA SEHP
[11:25:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : JAJA
[11:26:02 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: esa si te la sabesss :-O
[11:26:03 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: jajaja
[11:26:19 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :PSIHP
[11:26:20 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : JAJAJA
[11:26:48 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : ME GUSTA CON LALO MORA
[11:26:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : 8-)
[11:26:58 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: EXACTO
[11:27:03 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: Y LA DE DOS MONEDAS?
[11:27:03 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[11:27:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :PJAJAJA
[11:27:11 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: LAURITA GARZA
[11:27:13 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[11:27:17 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: ESA ME GUTA MUCHO
[11:27:39 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :P
[11:27:44 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: A ORILLAS DEL RIO BRAVO EN UNA HACIENDA
[11:27:46 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: (8)
[11:27:57 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : JAJAJAJA
[11:27:59 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: Y CON OTRA HIBA A CASARSE NOMAS PORK LAS
[11:28:00 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: JAJAJA
[11:30:49 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: EIT :P
[11:30:52 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: K HACES
[11:31:25 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : escribiendo un mail... y no se ni q
[11:31:58 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: ?
[11:32:01 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: A KIEN NINIO
[11:32:08 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : :Pa la ale
[11:32:33 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: AAH OK
[11:32:39 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: TONS DEJO K TE INSPIRES
[11:32:40 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :P
[11:32:51 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : jaja
[11:32:52 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : gracias bonita
[11:32:56 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : y ya despues me voy
[11:33:02 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : te dejo mun besito va??
[11:33:25 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: VA
[11:33:26 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :4
[11:33:28 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: GRACIAS
[11:33:29 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: :$
[11:33:30 a.m.] ×,.·´¨'°÷·..: BYE
[11:34:06 a.m.] ?hell yeah! : (K)

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